Heritage and Museums
Jo-Ann Curtis (Curator), and Phillip Roberts (Research Assistant, Science and Industry), Birmingham Museums Trust - Birmingham Museums hold over 42,000 objects related to the history of Birmingham including a strong oral history collection. The trust also hold a sizable collection of objects related to Industrial history, from those related to Birmingham's historic trades such as motorcars, to the oldest working steam engine from 1778. Contact jo-ann.curtis@birminghammuseums.org.uk or phillip.roberts@birminghammuseums.org.uk
Patrick Goossens, Project Letter-Kunde - Patrick has been collecting abandoned letterpress equipment since the 1970s. Project Letter-Kunde is devoted both to the study of letterpress and the practice of printing such research. Contact info@letter-kunde.be
Georgina Grant, Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust - The Coalbrookdale archive includes decorative metalwork, social history and costume. The books in the Library number some 40,000 volumes, and include 19th century trade catalogues (Coalbrookdale Co., Maw and Co., and Craven Dunnill), local directories and other printed ephemera. Contact georgina.grant@ironbridge.org.uk
Henrietta Lockhart, Winterbourne House and Gardens - Winterbourne House is a preserved Edwardian era house devoted to showcasing collections from the Arts and Crafts movement of the late nineteenth century. It is managed as part of the University of Birmingham. Contact h.c.j.lockhart@bham.ac.uk
Carla Marrinan, National Print Museum - The National Print Museum of Ireland, based in Dublin, promotes a greater understanding of the historical significance and contemporary relevance of printing by exploring its heritage, craft and technology. Contact admin@npm.ie
Rachel Mays, Smails Archive - The Smails Archive, now part of National Trust Scotland, is an archive and living history museum dedicated to the jobbing printer Robert Smails & Sons. Smails' business ran for over 100 years in the Scottish borders and the museum is now open to print professionals and amateur enthusiasts alike. Contact rmays@nts.org.uk